In the light of COVID-19 Uganda's rural and refugee population is at great risk. Most people will have to work to eat and will have very little possibility of self-isolation and receiving proper information. The high level of poverty among this population means that very few will invest in proper hygienic practices and the lockdown measures make it difficult for girls to attend their farms. The KadAfrica staff has continuously been attending the passion fruit plots, to ensure that our beneficiaries will still be able to harvest on time. We have distributed masks and soap bars to all beneficiaries and equipped all training sites with hand washing equipment. Our beneficiaries also produce extra masks themselves, providing them with alternative revenue streams.
We are among the organizations that have the right to work in Uganda’s refugee settlements where we are able to support the efforts of the bigger organizations. We have distributed and sowed seeds donated by NGOs in the settlements, to grow crops that grow quickly and can add to home consumption.
Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic is developed to keep girls engaged in income-generating activities without being at risk to minimize the economic catastrophe that this pandemic will be for the rural poor.